DBATU Passing criteria for First,Second and Third year exams

admin | 2022-08-06
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According to the decision taken by the University Academic Council, all the concerned are informed that for the final year examinations of all the faculties of the academic year 2021-22, the results of the final year of passing (Ilead of Passing), internal and written examination etc. will be considered as combined passing. To be announced.

Also, first, second and third year examination will be accepted as combined passing without considering Head of Passing, internal and written examination etc. but in this minimum 33.5% marks are required in the final written examination.

Means around 20 + marks will be required for the students in end semester examination to pass the particular course.

Provided that the concerned student shall have appeared for the internal and written (as applicable) examinations shall remain in order.

This decision will not apply to such students if they are absent from any of the above examinations.
A request to the Principals/Directors and Heads of Departments of all Affiliated Colleges as well as University Academic Departments.

The contents of the said circular should be brought to the notice of all concerned.

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