AICTE to train engineering & Architecture students with green skills

admin | 2022-07-09
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The AICTE plans to train 1 lakh architecture and engineering students in green concepts to have a large pool of professionals trained in green building infrastructure.

The technical regulator has partnered with the Indian GreenBuilding Council (IGBC) in collaboration with the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII). AICTE will develop theCourse schedules in consultation with IGBC who have experience in this field.

The initiative will encourage all civil and architectural engineering students  to learn green city development skills. The teaching of green skills is in line with the transdisciplinary education  mentioned in the NEP 2020.Speaking to Education Times, Buddha Chandrasekhar, Coordinating Director of AICTE, Ministry of Education said, “Architecture and civil engineering students would contribute  to maintaining ecological balance through the ecological skills they develop over time.

Cities, civil engineering and architecture students need to work on all of these factors that contribute to  greenCulture in developing new cities like building with fewer concrete walls, using more glass, and collecting water, thereby helping them use  less water, be more energy efficient, generate less waste, and create healthier spaces.

These are the advantages of green buildings over conventional buildings“For example, Delhi Airport recently became the country's first airport to run entirely on renewable energy.

The same changes need to be made in the development of hospitals as well, as our existing hospitals are not eco-friendly.

We work closely with IGBC to develop the curriculum. that the studentsare taught as part of these green skills and we would also seek their expertise in creating content for green building concepts,” reports Chandrasekhar.

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