All universities should follow the same procedure for examinations: Bombay High Court

admin | 2022-05-31
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Students' petition in High Court against inequality in examination format. College students are being hit hard by the academic maths and the resulting inequality created after the lockout. Examinations of various universities in Maharashtra.
The students had filed a petition in the high court against the inequality of form. A hearing was held on Monday (May 30).

All the colleges in Maharashtra started online teaching in lockdown. Limitations to online education due to lack of necessary equipment, internet and some other reasons were coming.

In the first year of the lockout, students passed without taking the exam. In the second year, university exams went online. This time the format of the exam was simplified.

The students' writing practice was abandoned in the lockout. Also the study could not be done properly. The students also felt the risk of corona infection in the actual test. Therefore cancel the exam The students demanded. The students also started agitation for this

The lockdown has been relaxed since the beginning of this year. The lockout was called off last month. Therefore, colleges have been started and actual examinations have been started is expected to happen;

However, some colleges are conducting online exams while some colleges are conducting actual exams. This results in injustice Students are afraid of being

Most college exams begin in June; But some autonomous college exams have passed. So some students get results early while some Student results will be delayed.

Students want admission for postgraduate courses, some want to go abroad for education. So get the results in time the demand was also made in the petition.

Universities in Gondgaon Wana, Nagpur and Latur have conducted multiple choice examinations while other universities have decided to conduct theoretical type examinations.
Therefore, it is seen that there is discrimination among the students at this level. Therefore, the High Court has directed all the universities to follow all the procedures.

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