IIT Palakkad website design competition , Applications invited

admin | 2022-05-19
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IIT Palakkad announces a national website design competition and invites designers to demonstrate their best creative website designs. Submissions are expected to consist of one design for the institute website and one design for a department website.

The websites should possess an aesthetic look and feel with  good color combination, background, structure and layout. The layout and color pallete should blend well with the colors and character of the institute's logo.

The interface is expected to be modern and user friendly with easy to navigate features and easy to use functions. 

Submission Requirements: This  contest is primarily open to students, recent graduates and designers. Group submissions are allowed, from groups with a maximum of 3 members. Entries are to be submitted to [email protected] and need to follow the prescribed format given below. Participants are also required to register using this form. A registration well in advance of the submission is encouraged.

  1. Institute website design prototype: A prototype (preferably in Figma or Adobe XD) illustrating various components and layout/feel of the homepage including menu items, submenu items, etc. Link to the interactive prototype should be provided.
  2. Department website design prototype: A prototype (preferably in Figma or Adobe XD) illustrating various components and layout/feel of the homepage including menu items, submenu items, etc. Link to the interactive prototype should be provided.
  3. Documentation (maximum 20 pages .pdf) explaining the  design principles, advantages of a particular page layout and visual features and the technical aspects of the design.
  4. Concept video (maximum 2 min .avi or .mp4) showing how the website is used explaining transitions across various pages including to and for the department websites.

Each submission must clearly mention the names of the individual or group members with current affiliation.

Instructions and Guidelines:  Points to keep in mind for the website design are as follows.

  1. The design must be suitable to accommodate the content on the institute's current website https://iitpkd.ac.in/.
  2. The design should be suitable for computer screens, tablets and mobile phones.
  3. From the perspective of key users - first and foremost prospective and current students, new and prospective faculty,  project collaborators and industry partners, parents & guardians etc - the design should address how can the content and layout,
    • give a feel that the page is made for the specific user, in the sense that all relevant information is available upfront,
    • have more and better visual appeal,
    • be more comprehensive and user-friendly in terms of information provided (including by adding new tabs/ submenu items) - the annual reports available on the website, is a good resource for ideas.
  4. Sections like 'what’s new', 'latest updates', 'recruitment', ‘student activities’  etc. must be added.
  5. The department website prototype should have the following essential features.
    • Department homepage with gallery, events, awards, news blocks and separate menus.
    • Structured faculty profiles with fields like publications, awards, research area etc. which can be regularly updated by the concerned faculty.
    • The provision for selected content like recent publications, events and awards etc. (pertaining to faculty and students) to be aggregated, sorted by date and displayed on the department homepage.
    • Publications, events, awards and gallery images from all the department websites are also to be aggregated, sorted by date and displayed on the main website homepage.
  6. Ensure that the submission does not use any copyright-infringing material or any  logo without permission by the entity which  holds the rights for its use. All content must be yours, or you should have the right to use and license it. Do not post photographs of people without permission. You may use the content available (without editing photos, documents, logo, etc.) on the  IIT Palakkad website only for the purpose of this submission.
  7. By submitting a design for the contest, you agree to transfer the copyright on the design to IIT Palakkad.

The guidelines are not intended to restrict or curtail other creative options in any way.

Prizes: The winning entries will be felicitated as below.

  • One first prize : Rs 30,000
  • Up to two second prizes: Rs 15,000 each
  • A few consolation prizes up for grabs.
  • Each winning design will also receive a certificate.

The decision of IIT Palakkad on the results of the competition would be final and binding. IIT Palakkad will have complete rights to all prize winning material.


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