Internship for 8-10 weeks made compulsory for Undergraduate student : UGC

admin | 2022-05-12
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The University Grants Commission (UGC) on Tuesday approved  guidelines for research internships that undergraduate students can complete. four-year undergraduate programs.

Therefore, the UGC has issued guidelines directing educational institutions on how to do this. The guidelines, passed Tuesday, establish the   internship period, how students can earn those internships, and associated coursework.

Although all students are required to complete internships, the time  depends on the length of the course the student wishes to complete.As part of the multiple entry and exit options offered as part of the NEP 2020, students can also leave a degree program after two semesters (first year) or four semesters (second year).

Those who leave the university after one year receive a certificate, those who leave after two years receive a diploma. "Internships totaling 8-10 weeks and worth 10 credit points after the 2nd or 4th semester are mandatory for students who want to graduate with a certificate or diploma," specifies the guideline.

To complete a four-year program along with research, you must complete 10 weeks of internship and one year of actual research. Those wishing to complete a simple four-year undergraduate degree (without research) must also complete a minimum of 810 weeks of  internship.

Research internships.

The guidelines specify how an institute can support students by organizing internships for them in cooperation with other educational and research institutions. respected organizations and individuals in specific fields,” the guidelines say.

During an internship, Student  would be attached  to a research supervisor, preferably from another institute, for a period of time at the supervisor's research facility to conduct a time-limited project, the guidelines add.

It also suggests that researchers  working on external projects should offer internship opportunities for students so that they can learn from them.According to the guidelines, the "research internship" serves two purposes: "to improve an individual student's employability" and "to develop  an individual student's research ability". For research internships, students apply independently or through the faculty. mentors at their parent institute.

An online portal was developed on which students can register  for research internships. The host organizations select interns based on their selection criteria . The host organization notifies the prospective intern through the portal by email and asks for confirmation or  acceptance.

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