Upcoming winter examinations : Students worried about mode of examination

admin | 2022-01-27
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Colleges across Maharashtra are starting in offline mode from today i.e 1 Feb 2022.Students are worried about mode of examination . DBATU formfilling process for winter semester examinations has been completed on 20 jan 2022. Students awaiting for timetable to release.

Minister Uday Samant underlined that students need both doses of vaccine. Different regulations have been issued in different districts against the backdrop of the college starting from 1 Feb. 

As of now, it is advisable to only allow fully vaccinated students to come back to campus for offline classes. However, when it comes to students who are below 18,their vaccination is in progress.

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Attendance has not been made mandatory yet and students can opt to continue online classes.  Teaching would be done in blended mode i.e., both online and offline. 

It is expected that the examinations will be conducted in blended mode according to the covid situations , the both of options will be given to the students. Most of the students are fully vaccinated now and universities can now consider the offline mode of examinations. 

But still there has no announcement regarding the mode of examinations from DBATU, Students of DBATU affilated colleges are awaiting for their timetable. The timetable is expected to be available within a week.

As per the regulations of Government , all examinations should be conducted in Online mode till 15 feb. After 15 feb university / college can decide the mode of examination.


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