DBATU Provisional Certificate , Migration Certificate and other certificate procedure

admin | 2022-01-19
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Students are requesting procedure to apply for various certificates issued by the Examination section. Kindly go through the instructions given below:

(A) Procedure/Documents for the Provisional Certificate

  1. Application requesting for provisional certificate ‐ To, Controller of Examinations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere stating name and PRN
  2. No Dues certificate (From parent Institute where you completed your UG/PG)
  3. Provisional Certificate Fee, Rs 100/‐ to be paid from online by SBI Collect 
    1. Click on https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm     
    2. Select Maharashtra state and educational institute
    3. Type University (Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University and select payment category as provisional fees)
    4. Fill information and pay Rs.100/‐ online after payment receipt will be generated 
    5. Download receipt and attach in your application 
  4. Scan copy of all mark sheets with self‐attestation Send entire to following mail only

[email protected]    (mobile No.:9975742511) do not send mail to any other mail id

any issue related to payment contact  [email protected]

  1. Collect Provisional certificate from examination section after seven working days (No scan copy will be send)



(B) Procedure/Documents for the Transcript Certificate

  1. Application requesting for transcript certificate ‐ To, Controller of Examinations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere stating name and PRN
  2. No Dues certificate (From parent Institute where you completed your UG/PG)/provisional certificate
  3. Transcript Certificate Fee, Rs 1000/‐ to be paid from online by SBI Collect 
    1. Click on https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm     
    2. Select Maharashtra state and Educational institute
    3. Type University (Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University and select payment category as transcript fees)
    4. Fill information and pay Rs.1000/‐ online after payment receipt will be generated 
    5. Download receipt and attach in your application 
  4. Scan copy of all mark sheets with self‐attestation Send entire to following mail only

[email protected]   (mobile No.:9975742511) do not send mail to any other mail id

any issue related to payment contact  [email protected]

  1. Collect Transcript certificate from examination section after fourteen working days (No scan copy will be send)


(c) Procedure for the Document verification Certificate

  1. Application requesting for document verification ‐ To, Controller of Examinations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere stating name and PRN
  2. Attach document to be verified
  3. Document verification fees Fee, Rs 500/‐ to be paid per student per document from online by SBI Collect 
    1. Click on https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm     
    2. Select Maharashtra state and Educational institute
    3. Type University (Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University and select payment category as verification fees)
    4. Fill information and pay Rs.500/‐ online after payment receipt will be generated 
    5. Download receipt and attach in your application 
  4. Attach receipt and document to be verified with application Send entire to following mail only

[email protected]   (mobile No.:9975742511) do not send mail to any other mail id

Any issue related to payment contact  [email protected]

  1. Collect verified document from examination section after seven working days 

(d) Procedure for the Medium of Instruction Certificate

  1. Application requesting for medium of Instructions Certificate ‐ To, Controller of Examinations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere stating name and PRN
  2. Attach scan/zerox copy of final year mark sheet 
  3. Medium of Instructions certificate Fee, Rs 100/‐ to be paid per student per document from online by SBI Collect 
    1. Click on https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm     
    2. Select Maharashtra state and Educational institute
    3. Type University (Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University and select payment category as examination fees)
    4. Fill information in remark put medium of instruction and pay Rs.100/‐ online after payment receipt will be generated 
    5. Download receipt and attach in your application 
  4. Attach receipt and document to be verified with application Send entire to following mail only

[email protected]   (mobile No.:9975742511) do not send mail to any other mail id

Any issue related to payment contact  [email protected]

  1. Collect verified document from examination section after seven working days 

(e) Procedure for the Conversion Certificate (CGPA to percentage)

  1. Application requesting for Conversion Certificate ‐ To, Controller of Examinations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere stating name and PRN
  2. Attach scan/zerox copy of final year mark sheet 
  3. Conversion certificate Fee, Rs 100/‐ to be paid per student per document from online by SBI Collect 
    1. Click on https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm     
    2. Select Maharashtra state and Educational institute
    3. Type University (Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University and select payment category as examination fees)
    4. Fill information in remark put CGPA to Percentage certificate and pay

Rs.100/‐ online after payment receipt will be generated 

    1. Download receipt and attach in your application 
  1. Attach receipt with application Send entire to following mail only

[email protected]   (mobile No.:9975742511) do not send mail to any other mail id

Any issue related to payment contact  [email protected]

  1. Collect verified document from examination section after seven working days 

(f) Procedure for the Duplicate mark sheet

  1. Application requesting for Duplicate mark sheet ‐ To, Controller of Examinations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere stating name and PRN and semester for which duplicate mark sheet required.
  2. Attach scan/zerox copy of mark sheet required if available 
  3. Duplicate Mark sheet fees Fee, Rs 100/‐ to be paid per mark sheet from online by SBI Collect 
    1. Click on https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm     
    2. Select Maharashtra state and Educational institute
    3. Type University (Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University and select payment category as examination fees)
    4. Fill information in particular/remark put Duplicate mark sheet and pay

Rs.100/‐ online after payment receipt will be generated 

    1. Download receipt and attach in your application 
  1. Attach receipt with duplicate mark sheet application Send entire to following mail only

[email protected]   (mobile No.:9975742511) do not send mail to any other mail id

Any issue related to payment contact  [email protected]

  1. Collect Duplicate certificate from examination section after seven working days 



(f) Procedure for the Duplicate Degree Certificate

  1. Application requesting for duplicate degree certificate ‐ To, Controller of Examinations, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere stating name and PRN.
  2. Attach scan/zerox copy of degree certificate if available 
  3. Duplicate Degree certificate Fee, Rs 500/‐ to be paid from online by SBI


    1. Click on https://www.onlinesbi.sbi/sbicollect/icollecthome.htm     
    2. Select Maharashtra state and Educational institute
    3. Type University (Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University and select payment category as examination fees)
    4. Fill information in particular/remark put Duplicate degree certificate and pay Rs.500/‐ online after payment receipt will be generated 
    5. Download receipt and attach in your application 
  1. Attach receipt with Duplicate degree certificate application
  2. First Investigation Report (FIR) copy original 

06 Undertaking on Bond paper of Rs. 100/‐

07. Copy of Advertise given in newspaper (having advertise, name of newspaper and date of news paper 08 Copy of Aadhar Card

Send entire to following mail only

[email protected]   (mobile No.:9975742511) do not send mail to any other mail id

Any issue related to payment contact  [email protected]

05. Collect Duplicate degree certificate from examination section after Three months personally.


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