Maharashtra Final Year Exams 2020: Universities not to issue separate COVID degree certificates- Uday Samant

Admin Enggsolution | 2020-09-17
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Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister, Uday Samant said that there would be no difference in the degrees that were provided earlier and in the times of COVID 19 pandemic- Details

Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister, Uday Samant has informed that there would be no difference in the degrees that are being given to the students in the times of COVID 19 to those provided to them earlier before the pandemic. This means there would be no separate pandemic degree certificates issued to the students by the Universities after the final year exams. They would be exactly the same as issued earlier.

The minister while speaking to the reporters said that “ the Maharashtra state government will take action against the private companies or industries if they look down on the degrees conferred during the pandemic period.” He is currently on a two-day tour of Vidarbha to visit universities.

University degree certificates will be the same as they used to be and no separate certificates will be given to students," the minister also clarified while talking to the reporters. 

Uday Samant, the Higher and Technical Education Minister also said, "The government has not stopped the recruitment. The GR, Government Resolution dated April 4, 2020, to stop recruitment due to COVID-19 pandemic is not a permanent GR. It will be withdrawn after the pandemic period gets over, and recruitment of teachers will start again once the situation becomes normal.”

The minister also talked about the reservation of Marathas in the education system of the state. He said, “ vacating the Supreme Court's interim stay on the implementation of reservation for Marathas in education and jobs is the priority of the Maha Vikas Aghadi government.” He was responding to a query on the impact of the top court's order on admissions to various courses.

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