AICTE instructions for colleges about fees , salaries and internet

admin | 2021-07-22
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The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has warned engineering colleges across India to comply with the rules it has set considering the ongoing Covid situation in the country. The statutory body reminded engineering colleges to help students and faculty members during this tough time. AICTE said that it is continuously getting grievances from the faculty and staff regarding termination of services, non-payment of salary and also from students regarding insistence by institutes for paying full year or full term fees in one go.

In a latest circular, it reminded institutions and colleges to not insist on payment of full fee in one go and advised colleges to collect fees in three or four equal installments till normalcy is restored. “Accordingly, all colleges or institutions are directed to display this information on their website and also communicate the same to all the students through email,” the circular said.

Colleges may permit students of other institutions to share their campus internet Wi-Fi facility against showing the ID card of a college where they are studying. Also, attendance rule may be relaxed in the light of lockdown and non-availability of bandwidth in certain remote areas

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