Online exams till covid ends - Minister Uday Samant

admin | 2021-06-27
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There will be no physical examination till covid comes in control , Higher & Technical Education Minister Uday Samant said during today's press conferences.

All university exams including practicals & theory subject examination will be conducted in online mode till the covid situation in Maharashtra comes in control.Upcoming semester examinations of students will be in online mode said Minister Samant.

Also , 

Academic year 2021-22 for higher & technical education students to start from September 2021 , said Higher & Technical Education Minister Uday Samant on today's press conference.

he added , "States have received guidelines by central government to start academic year for higher education students from september". Therefore all universities across Maharashtra will schedule their academic year from Sept 2021. Soon universities will declare their academic calendars as per the guidelines.x

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Academic Year to start from September - Minister Uday Samant

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