Is NPTEL exam mandatory for Engineerings students ?

Admin Enggsolution | 2021-03-14
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Students are having confusion about NPTEL swayam courses inline with their syllabus , Most of institutions directed students to appear for NPTEL examination for completing their course credits.

National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) is a project of MHRD initiated by seven Indian Institutes of Technology (Bombay, Delhi, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras, Guwahati and Roorkee) along with the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore in 2003, to provide quality education to anyone interested in learning from the IITs. The main goal was to create web and video courses in all major branches of engineering and physical sciences at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels and management courses at the postgraduate level.

It is now possible for ANYONE outside the IIT System to be able to do an online certification course from NPTEL and get a certificate from the IITs. IITs are reaching out and taking education to the homes of people through this initiative.

UGC and AICTE are actively encouraging colleges and Universities to adopt atleast one online course a semester for credit transfer. Many have already incorporated the same. Also several IITs such as IIT Madras, IIT Roorkee, IIT Tirupati, IIT Palakkad, etc are allowing these courses to be taken for credits. So too, IIIT Delhi, IIIT Hyderabad, etc.

Many students are using these to prepare for GATE exams and higher studies too.

20% of the audience is faculty members in various colleges across the country. The advanced courses are being recommended to AICTE to be approved as Faculty development programs (FDP) so that they can get the points for the same.

About Certification Process :

Certification process: NPTEL began the initiative of offering certification to students for courses in March 2014. The process of certification is as follows.

1. Subject Matter Experts (SME - faculty from IITs or partner institutes with input from industry) create recorded video content for courses.

2. The course is uploaded on the portal and opened for enrollments, which is free.

3. Every week, about 3 hrs of video content is released along with an assignment , which is evaluated and provides the student with a score.

4. Teaching Assistants (TAs) and the faculty members support the discussion forum – answering questions and clearing doubts.

5. If someone wants to get a certificate from the IITs/IISc after doing the course, he/she should register for the in-person proctored certification exam that is conducted in 100+ cities across India in collaboration with an exam partner. The certification exam is not free but has a nominal fee of Rs 1000.

6. Final score=25% assignment score + 75% exam score. The pass criteria for exams is being changed from July 2019. A learner will pass and be certified only if Average assignment score (out of 100) >= 40 AND Final exam score ( out of 100) >= 40. E-verifiable certificates are made available on Only e-certificates will be published. Hard copies of certificates will NOT be printed.

7. These certificates are envisioned for use in credit transfer to universities or for making the student more employable or for enhancing his growth in his current place of work.

If a student can able to complete the certification of NPTEL examination for a subject which is included in his / her semester curriculum then the credits for that particular course can be transferred directly to result of his / her university. Which allows the student to pass the particular subject without giving examination.

Since 2013, through an online portal, 4-, 8-, or 12-week online courses, typically on topics relevant to students in all years of higher education along with basic core courses in sciences and humanities with exposure to relevant tools and technologies, are being offered. The enrolment to and learning from these courses involves no cost. An in-person, proctored certification exam (optional) will be conducted at Rs. 1000/- per course and a certificate is provided through the participating institutions and industry, when applicable.

For DBATU Final Year students :

Students were having an option of either they can do 6 month internship / training or they can study 2 subjects in colleges as per regular semesters. Also Along with internship , 1 major project was for final year students which had to be conducted in two phases like Project Phase I in semester 7 and Phase II in semester 8.

In every Academic Year DBATU introduced minor internships / Training for 50 marks / 1 credit each in either semesters. And previously DBATU introduced 6-month internship / Industrial Training in 8th semester .

But due to this pandemic , rearrangement of internship compulsion and final year academics were taken place. As per new academic timetable ,some changes have been made for students from final year .

  • Project for final year is divided into two phases like phase I in semester 7 and phase II in semester 8.
  • No separate project has to be made in phase I/II. These phase are only for parts for project.
  • Internships from 8th semester are made available for students with some subjects to be learned as online courses i.e NPTEL / SWAYAM or any other sources
  • Subjects in 8th semester are to be going to be as self study mode.
  • In 8th semester, students have option for 6 month internship / project phase II in house (i.e in college).
  • Students can either complete their project in institute or they can choose industrial project and complete along with their industry work.
  • If student choose to work for 6 month month in industry then project should be industrial.
  • Students doing project at institute will have to appear for CA/MSE/ESE
  • Student doing project at Industry will give NPTEL examination / Examination conducted by university i.e. CA/MSE/ESE
  • Students were having an option of either they can do 6 month internship / training or they can study 3-4 subjects in colleges as per regular semesters. Also Along with internship , 1 major project was for final year students which had to be conducted in two phases like Project Phase I in semester 7 and Phase II in semester 8.

    For Final Year students , Internship is a good choice for their practical learning approach. By considering this approach ; To develop practical approach towards learning Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University included minor internships in every semester itself and reserved some credits for it.


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