Pre-examination guidelines for DBATU winter semester regular examinations

Admin Enggsolution | 2021-01-30
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Dbatu Btech winter semester regular Examination  Final revised timetable for second year and third year students ,schedule released now, exam to start from 26 July

1)  The examination will be conducted by online mode having multiple choice questions. Student will be giving examination sitting at their place using Android based mobile or laptop or desktop with inbuilt camera on.

2) Student appearing for examination will be receiving user id and password  before examination date. Since it’s a proctored examination care should be taken by student as not to open any browser while examination is going on.

3) No any other person sitting with student while examination is going on. Student should not leave the place from start to end of examination etc.  

4) There is no hall ticket for this examination

5) Link, username and password for examination will be received by student on their register mobile number/email id day before examination date

6)Students have to hold I-Card/ Adhar Card while taking first photograph for identification.

7) Username , Link & password for mock test will be same [no seprate link for examination]

The question paper will consist of 60 questions. Candidate need to solve 40 questions. Each question will carry 1.5 marks. The maximum marks allotted for each subject examination is 60 marks. 

The time duration for the examination is 90 minutes (1.5 hr), however examination window is open for 3 hrs. 

There is no change in the Passing rules for examination. Instead of paper pen and semester examination will be conducting as MCQ based online proctored examination 

Here is check details about How exactly proctored method works and exam will be conducted in proctored method

Proctoring is synonymous to invigilation or supervision. Proctoring is basically done to ensure no malpractices are taken during the examination or an assessment. The traditional methods of proctoring an examination involved a certified person who supervised the test taking candidates. This ‘person’ is called a proctor.

Human proctors were generally appointed for offline mode examination. These examinations were conducted at a dedicated venue where an approximate of 50 examinees were invigilated by a proctor. However, with the increasing Online courses and assessment, invigilation of each individual taking examination at the homes or at their place of convenience seems impossible. Hence, with the help of technology Online proctoring was brought into picture.

Is it possible to take a proctored examination at home?

The answer is Yes. It is because of online proctored examination that today an examination can be taken from any corner of the world. Taking an assessment in the comfort of their home while being remotely invigilated by an offsite proctor is now possible. And to do so all you need is


  •  – A compatible device (Desktop, Laptop, Mobile, andTablet)
  •  – Stable internet connection (at least 256kbps)
  •  – Functional input devices: webcam and a microphone
  •  – Latest compatible browser

Working of a proctored examination

With the various cutting-edge tools and features provided by Remote Proctoring services it is now possible for a proctor to carefully observe an online exam live or a recording of the same. In an auto proctored online examination, the software is used to detect any instances of suggestive cheating automatically through technology.

Importance of online proctoring

  •  – It has made International education accessible
  •  – It has enabled professionals to take up certification course at their convenience
  •  – It enables time flexibility
  •  – It has omitted the barrier of location
  •  – It is beneficial for any and every kind of examination or assessment

How does webcam proctoring work?

Proctored exams are timed exams that you take while proctoring software monitors your computer's desktop, webcam video and audio. The data recorded by the proctoring software is transferred to a proctoring service for review. ... The software also records video and audio from your webcam.

Please check your mobile number and Email id given in dbatu login & update if any corrections are there. Students who have not updated their mobile number they will not be able to give examination.

GET MODEL MCQs Here for examinations

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