College exams are only online until the fear of corona disappears from everyones mind

Admin Enggsolution | 2021-01-25
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Uday Samant, the state's Minister for Higher and Technical Education, said that the college exams will be conducted online unless the fear of corona disappears from everyone's minds and the mentality of giving actual exams is formed. At present, everyone is asking when colleges will start. A decision in this regard will be taken soon after discussing with the universities, informed Uday Samant. (higher education minister Uday Samant on college exams).

Uday Samant, the state’s Minister for Higher and Technical Education said that the college exams will be conducted online unless the fear of corona disappears from everyone’s minds and the students are ready for offline exams.

At present, everyone is wondering when colleges will reopen. A decision in this regard will be taken soon after discussing with the universities, informed Samant.

The Chief Secretary of Maharashtra is studying the feasibility of reopening colleges in the state. The guidelines are being framed for how many students and professors can be called to the college every day. It will be completed in 4 to 5 days and we will decide about the same after discussing with the Chief Minister, said education minister Uday Samant.

Samant said, “Though the vaccination is going on, covid-19 infection is still there. The online-offline education system is being continued till the situation comes to normal.”


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