Free Certification course by ISRO

Admin Enggsolution | 2021-01-08
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ISRO is offering an AICTE-approved free online course called Remote sensing, GIS and GNSS Technology and their Applications on the SWAYAM platform.ISRO is offering a free online course called “Remote sensing, GIS and GNSS Technology and their Applications”, which has been approved by AICTE. The course will be conducted through the Indian Space Research Organisation’s centre the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) on the SWAYAM platform. The free online course can be especially beneficial for undergraduate students who will receive credit points upon completion.

The insturctor for the course is Dr. Poonam S. Tiwari.Dr. Poonam S. Tiwari is scientist and teaching faculty at the Indian Institute of Remote Sensing, ISRO, Dehradun. She has a Masters in Technology in Remote Sensing and GIS. She has obtained her Ph.D from IIT, Roorkee, India.. Her area of expertise focuses on satellite photogrammetry, 3D data processing and analysis and automated feature extraction using remotely sensed data. She has published 40+ research articles in International/National peer reviewed journals and has supervised 50+ graduate and post graduate students for their dissertation/thesis work. She has 20+ years of research and teaching experience in photogrammetric applications, laser data analysis and automated feature extraction.

Basics of Remote Sensing, Geographical Information System (GIS) and Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) is a 15 week course conducted by IIRS through Live and Interactive mode. The course constitutes 77.5 learning hours spread across three modules namely Basics of Remote Sensing, Global Navigation Satellite System and Geographic Information System and Applications of Geopspatial technology. The syllabus and the lecture content is modified every year by the faculty based on the feedback received and the emerging trends in the technology.

During the course, the participants will be exposed to Basic Principles of Remote Sensing, Earth Observation Sensors and Platforms, Thermal Remote Sensing, Spectral Signatures of Different Land cover Features and Visual Image interpretation and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing technology. The course also includes various digital Image processing techniques namely Image Rectification and Registration, Image Enhancement techniques, Image Classification Techniques and Accuracy Assessment. Theoretical concepts is followed up with the practical demonstration using free and open source softwares.

The participants will be appraised of the technological principles of GNSS with focus on GNSS receivers, GNSS data processing methods, errors and accuracy, Satellites based Augmentation systems which includes GPS Aided and GEO Augmented Navigation  or GAGAN. The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) or Navigation with Indian Constellation (NaVic) will be discussed in detail. The GPS signal characteristics, Data formats (broadcast, precise ephemeris) DGPS demonstration, Advance GNSS processing and Mobile Mapping will also be discussed during the course.

The course includes principles of GIS technology with an overview of GIS, Geographic Phenomena, Data Inputting and Editing in GIS, GIS Data Models, GIS System Architecture, Geographic Data Standards and Policies, Topology and Spatial Relationship, Spatial Data Analysis, Spatial Data Quality, Spatial Data Errors, Map Projection and Advanced Geospatial Modelling. The free and open source software will be used as a platform for demonstrations and development.

Course Layout:

1. Remote Sensing and Digital Image Analysis : Basic Principles of Remote Sensing, Earth Observation Sensors and Platforms, Spectral Signature of different land cover features, Image interpretation, Thermal & Microwave Remote Sensing,      Digital Image Processing: Basic Concepts of Rectification and Registration, Enhancement, Classification and accuracy assessment techniques. 
2. Global Navigation Satellite System : Introduction to GPS and GNSS, receivers, processing methods, errors and accuracy.
3. Geographical Information System : GIS, databases, topology, spatial analysis and open source software.
4. RS and GIS Applications: Agriculture and Soil, Forestry and Ecology, Geoscience and Geo-hazards, Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, Urban and Regional Studies and Water Resources.

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