Discussion on college re-openings by SPPU

Admin Enggsolution | 2020-12-22
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A committee has been formed to decide on reopening of colleges affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), said officials during the meeting of management council on Monday.This committee will interact with principals about the safety arrangements and other necessary steps to reopen the colleges.

On November 5 the University Grants Commission (UGC) issued guidelines regarding reopening of colleges to all the universities. So to take a review of the colleges affiliated with SPPU a two-day interaction programme was conducted by SPPU in November where the vice-chancellor interacted with principals of various colleges from Pune, Nashik and Ahmednagar districts.

The university’s administration has communicated its intent to the Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC) to allow colleges to reopen in January. The PMC had decided to keep educational institutions shut till January 3.

The Covid-19 tests of teaching and non-teaching staff, hostel facilities and other related logistics will be discussed in Monday’s meeting.
Vice-chancellor Nitin Karmalkar told TOI on Sunday that communication with the PMC is going on. “We had to do the same communication for SET exams. We are hoping to reopen in the first or second week of January."

If colleges decides to reopen , then what will be guidelines to conduct offline education ?

What are the safety measures that should be kept in mind at all times by the institutes during working hours, at entry and exit points of campuses and inside the campus?
-1) Arrangement for thermal scanners, sanitisers, face masks should be made available at every entry/exit point
-2) Crowding must be avoided, to ensure queue management markings must be made on the floor
-3) Those having symptoms should not be allowed on campus
-4) Proper and regular sanitisation of classrooms, labs, common spaces, parking areas and so on
-5) At least one seat should be left vacant between two seats with proper markings inside classrooms
-6) Cultural activities, meetings to be avoided, however, sports and extra-curricular may be allowed where physical distancing is feasible
-7) Hostels to be opened only when necessary with safety measures
-8) Regular monitoring of the health of students, faculty and staff

What are the safety measures educational institutes across the country should Have to take have to follow and implement before they re-open for full-fledged academic activities?
-1) Physical distance of at least six feet to be followed when feasible
-2) Use of face masks mandatory
-3) Use of hand sanitisers and frequent handwashing is advised
-4) Respiratory etiquettes like covering nose and mouth while coughing, sneezing to be practised
-5) Self-monitoring of health and reporting any discomfort at the earliest is of utmost importance
-6) Spitting is strictly prohibited
-7) Installation of the Aarogya Setu app shall be advised

What will students do if they are staying at hostels?
-1) Students might have to wait before they can finally stay at hostels on campus.
-2) Hostels may be opened only in cases where it is necessary while strictly observing the safety and health preventive measures, the UGC said. “However, the sharing of rooms may not be allowed in hostels. Symptomatic students should not be permitted to stay in the hostels under any circumstances,” the recent guidelines added.

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