Rules and tips to clear interview successfully

Admin Enggsolution | 2020-09-13
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An interview can be stressful you can prepare for the Interview by some Common Practices Before Moving towards Tips and Trick Lets Move Toward Types of interview That you are Supposed to face in the Organisation Interview are of certain types below are some of them 
•    Computer assisted telephone interviewing
•    Telephone interview
•    Interview (research)
•    Knowledge transfer
•    Online interview
•    Mall intercept interview
•    Qualitative research interview
•    Structured interview
•    Unstructured interview
Follow Few tips that can be useful for making the interview successful 
    Research the company beforehand
    Arrange Your Documents Properly in a File /Folder 
    Arrive early at the venue
    Be neatly groomed and dress formally
    Use a mild deodorant or perfume.
    Men must always shave before attending an interview.
    Greet the interviewer by giving a firm handshake
    Look into the eyes of the interviewer and respond to questions asked
    Maintain a composed body posture
    Your body posture can speak volumes. It is very important to maintain the right body posture.
    Sit straight, leaning slightly forward.
    Do not lean backward or bend too much forward.
    Do not play with the pen or your hair.
    Don't exaggerate.
    Listen carefully.
    If you are not clear about the question, ask the interviewer to repeat the question
    Conclude the interview on a positive note
    Thank the interviewer for his/her time.
Ask them any further information that you need to know about the company, like their work culture, on-boarding process, etc.
    Don’t be late
    Don’t wear your outer clothes into an interview.
    Don’t sit down until you are asked.
    Don’t lean on or put your elbows on the interviewer’s desk. Sit back in your chair, so the interviewer can see more of you. Sit erect.
    Don’t wear tinted glasses
    Don’t carry an oversized handbag even if it is fashionable.
    Don’t look at your watch during the interview.
    Don’t talk about the salary until later in the hiring process or until the recruiter brings it up.

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