Effective Resume Writing for Freshers

Enggsolution Blogs (Aman Bhat) | 2020-07-27
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A resume plays a vital role in a professional life. It is very important to able to write and maintain a good resume for students especially studying in final and pre-final year. But the thing is till now many students are not able to create an effective professional resume. A resume is nothing but you described on a paper. Your qualifications, your goals, your achievements and your interests and mentioned there; though many students get afraid of that and copy someone else’s resume. This is completely wrong, if interviewer founds this it creates very bad impression. So it is important to have a genuine and neat resume. Here I am going to share some tips with you which will help you to create an effective resume

1.      Name and Contact info. - This is the first section of resume. Here you have to mention your Name, Address, Email ID and phone or mobile number. Always type your name in bold font and other details in normal font. Don’t write very long address; keep it as short as possible. Regarding email id, use professional email id. Don’t use id like social media. Add one or two mobile numbers. Sometimes softcopy of resume is send to organization at that time you can mention your LinkedIn id. Don’t add anything except these things in this first section.

2.      Career Objective- It is the second section of your resume. Here you have to be very specific; first properly understand about which post you are applying for and then write your career objective. For example consider you are applying for post of software developer, so you have to write career objective according to that. You only cannot mention that you want job in IT sector. Similarly when you are applying for job in mechanical field then you have to be specific about sector in which you are applying. You can search on internet for reference.

3.      Educational Detail- Present your academic or educational details in tabular form by taking highest education first. Mention degree/diploma name then name of university or board then year of completion and then percentage or CGPA. Make sure all the data in table is in proper and similar format.

4.      Internship/Trainings- Here you have to mention only those trainings and internships which are related to job you are applying for. For example do not training or internship of designing if you are applying for non technical job. You can mention achievements if any through the internship or training like “best intern” or “best project”.

5.      Technical and Other Skills- Here you have to follow same thing mention only those skills that are related to job profile. In other skills you can add soft skills like, teamwork, communication, etc. But again mention only those skills that you have.

6.      Certifications- If you have certifications of some good organizations and are related with job profile you can add them here also mention the month and year on which you obtained it.

7.      Hobbies and Extra-curricular Activities- It is the last section of your resume. Here you have to mention hobbies that you follow. But be genuine, many students write their hobby of reading; but when they are asked about what they read recently they are not able to answer. This creates a bad impression so only mention those hobbies that you really follow. In extra-curricular activity you can mention some social work or something that you did in college except academics.

So here are these the steps hope they will help you writing an effective resume of yours.

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