Communication Skills- Need and Tips

Enggsolution Blogs (Aman Bhat) | 2020-07-19
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We are living in a fast growing world. Everybody is busy in his/her work. This current pandemic may have stopped the world in some manner; but for how long? Unlocking process has been started throughout the world. The world has again started running faster and faster. As a youth it is very important to us to develop various skills I ourselves along with our academics. A high school teacher named Paul Barnwell wrote a very serious thing that “I came to realize that, conversational competence might be the single most overlooked skill we fail to teach.” And Celeste Headlee asked a question in one of her ‘TED talk show’ that “Is there any 21st century skill more important than being able to sustain coherent and confident conversation?” Both the things mentioned here are must considered by every student, teacher and parent. You may know artificial intelligence, you may know coding, you may able to advanced machinery and you may have a lot of knowledge but it becomes very difficult for you if you don’t have communication skills, if you are not able to express your thoughts and knowledge. 

Need- Let us discuss some needs why a good communication skill is required one by one

Interview- You all know that how important an interview is in a student’s life. As I mentioned above you may have lots of knowledge and skills but if you cannot express them to interviewers then you won’t get opportunity to implement them. Even if you visit a bank for your startup you have to explain your ideas which also require proper communication skills.

Personal Relations- Human is a social animal. Everyone requires somebody near him/her. A proper communication in family is also important. It not only creates a strong bind but also helps to solve problems.

Workplace- You may have seen a lots of people talking about corporate life, it completely depends upon you that how your corporate life will be. It is decided also by your communication with your seniors, juniors, colleagues and teammates. If you are a team leader of any project you must have a friendly and motivate communication.

Society- Nowadays attitude of people looking towards society and society people has changed. Not only your wealth and attire but also your etiquettes and your thoughts decide your status. That is why it becomes very important to communicate properly with all the members of society; because if you ignore communicating with people it also creates a wrong mindset.

Tips- here are some tips to improve your personal and professional communication skills.

Listen- A communication is a two way process of listening and then speaking. One must have to learn to listen before learning to speak or communicate. Every person who is present in communication must listen to what others are saying. One more aspect of listening is to listen to experienced people like orators, speakers, news reporters, politicians  

Honesty- While communicating weather in personal or professional life; be honest. Be clear of your thoughts and words. Mention it if you don’t know something. It always good to say ‘no’ than lying to anybody. Don’t try to show yourself what you are actually not.

Don’t distract from topic- Whatever you are communicating about it is always a good practice to stay connected with the topic. Especially in professional life don’t mix-up two or more topics it creates confusion and wrong impression. So it’s good to communicate facts about the topic.

Behaviour and Etiquettes- It is important to have a friendly conversation along with proper etiquettes. It is very important especially in professional life to have good communication etiquettes. You should treat the person you are communicating with in good way. You can greet like Good Morning/Evening .

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