Dbatu exams run smoothly; Hon. Vice Chancellor Vedala Ramashastris planning is widely appreciated in allover maharashtra

Admin Enggsolution | 2020-10-09
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Dbatu exams run smoothly; Hon. Vice Chancellor Vedala Ramashastri's planning is widely appreciated in allover maharashtra


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University of Technology Lonare final year degree and post graduate examinations were held today. Taking the final year exams was a big challenge for all the universities. According to the rules of UGC and the decision of the Supreme Court, it was mandatory for all the universities to conduct this examination


Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar University of Technology Lonare final year degree and post graduate examinations were held today. Taking the final year exams was a big challenge for all the universities. According to the rules of UGC and the decision of the Supreme Court, it was mandatory for all the universities to conduct this examination


Various facilities were provided under his guidance. An online multiple choice supervised examination system was adopted for the students. A system was used where students could take the exam from their home using a phone, laptop, or desktop.

Students were away from study for many days. With this in mind, the university created a model quiz and gave it to the students as a solution. There were many doubts about the exam, many difficulties in the minds of the students. Representatives of the university as well as the college answered the questions of the students regarding the online examination system through an online meeting.

Students were given the facility to take practice exams several times before the main examination until they were satisfied. So many students have responded that they understood the entire online exam system and then they did not have any problem while taking the exam.

Vice Chancellor of the University Prof. Vedala Rama Shastri prepared the planned format of each aspect of the exam. He emphasized that the students would not face any difficulties. Considering that Corona's background should not be a financial burden on students and parents, Hon. No examination fee was charged from the students on the initiative of the Vice-Chancellor. This decision was welcomed by students and parents all over Maharashtra

While observing the pre-preparation of the examination, Hon. Minister of State for Technical Education Prajakt Tanpure lauded the Vice Chancellor, Controller of Examinations Dr. VS Sathe and the principals and professors of all the affiliated colleges. All the regular examinations of the final year have been completed today and the examinations in the subject of backlog will start tomorrow.

While many other universities are having difficulty in conducting online exams, Debatu, the only technical university in Maharashtra, has set an excellent example of taking online exams. It is being appreciated by students, parents and other sections of the society.


Due to proper planning and technically competent system, the students did not face any difficulty in taking the exams and the doubts of the students were already resolved. Vedala Rama Shastri said this at the time.

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