Reopening of Institutions in October? academics, exams, backlogs

Admin Enggsolution | 2020-09-30
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Educational Institutions in Maharashtra are closed from 15th of March 2020 and it's almost 6 month period . Past semester is taken as online in some institutions and exams were cancelled for First , Second and Third Year for that semester only. 

University affilated students have been given marks on basis of their past semester performance and assessments performed in that semester.

From August - Septeber , Institutions adopted online teaching methodology for conducting academics ; All students are waiting for the guidelines from goverment to open institutions

As Unlock 5.0 begining from 1st oct , Goverment decided that Colleges will remain closed for 31st Oct. So the academics will continue in online mode only.

No instructions given to open the colleges therefore there no chances to open colleges till 31 Oct.

After 31 oct , students have to wait for further guidelines to reopen the institutions . As per academic timetable given by Dbatu university ; Mid semester examination is scheduled in october.(for dbatu university)

As per this recent guideline , it is expected that the exam will be online but no confirmation regarding it yet. 

Stay tuned with enggsolution for next news 

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