AICTE Pragati Scholarship scheme for girl students
admin | 2023-10-06Click here to join Our whatsapp group
AICTE Pragati Scholarship Scheme being implemented by AICTE aimed at providing assistance for advancement of Girls pursuing technical education. Education is one of the most important means of empowering women with the knowledge, skill and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process.
This is an attempt to give young women the opportunity to further her education and prepare for a successful future by “Empowering Women through Technical Education
ELIGIBILITY FOR AICTE Pragati Scholarship scheme:
1) The girl candidate should be admitted to First year of Degree level course OR Second year of Degree level course through lateral entry in any of the AICTE approved Institution of respective year.
2) Maximum two girl child per family are eligible.
3) Family income from all sources should not be more than Rs. 8 lakh per annum during the current financial year. A valid income certificate issued by State/ UT Government need to be enclosed.
A total of 5,000 scholarships are earmarked per annum under this scheme for pursuing First year of Degree level course OR Second year of Degree level course through lateral entry in any of the AICTE approved Institutions. The number of scholarships are transferred into AICTE – PRAGATI SCHOLARSHIP SCHEME FOR GIRL STUDENTS (DIPLOMA), if sufficient number of online applications are not received.
AMOUNT OF AICTE Pragati Scholarship scheme:
1) Rs. 50,000/- per annum for every year of study i.e. maximum 4 years for first year admitted students and maximum 3 years for second year admitted students through lateral entry as lump sum amount towards payment of college fee, purchase of computer, stationeries, books, equipments, softwares etc. No other additional grant will be payable in lieu of hostel charges and medical charges etc.
2) No documentary proof need to be attached for the above while availing benefits
PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING Pragati Scholarship scheme:
1) The candidate fulfilling the eligibility conditions is required to apply online on National Scholarship Portal (NSP) after initiation of application process and notice to be published on AICTE website.
2) The host institution where the candidate is studying, required to verify the online application.
3) Department of Technical Education (DTE) of respective State/ UT will verify these applications as second level of scrutiny.
How to apply for AICTE Pragati Scholarship scheme?
Applications will be invited once in a year through National e-Scholarship Portal of the Government of India.
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