Rock Mechanics


What are YARDANGS?

Differentiate between SHALE and SLATE.

What is a Hydropower Tunnel?

Give salient features about BHUJ Earthquake.

Between basalt and limestone which rock shows higher porosity and why?

What is Plate Bearing Test?

In what way Grouting will improve rocks properties.

What is River MEANDERING?

Differentiate between NORMAL & REVERSE FAULT.

How do you achieve Rock reinforcement?

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Discuss features produced by Deposition of Glaciers.

Differentiate between GRAVITY and Embankment Dams.

Discuss in brief CAUSES of FOLDING.

Discuss general guidelines for Quake resistant buildings.

Write a short note on Triaxial Compressive Strength.

Describe mode of formation, structures and Classification of Sedimentary Rocks.

How do you recognize FAULTS in the field. Discuss engineering considerations of faults.

Describe in details in situ Shear Test.


a) Differentiate between HORST & GRABEN.

b) What are the typical characteristics of “S” Waves?

c) Draw a sketch of Normal FOLD showing various parts.

d) What are the different causes of Landslides?

e) Between Sandstone and Shale which rock is having higher porosity and why?

f) What is Flat Jack Test used for.

g) What are the different types of bolts used for Rock Bolting?

h) What is Yardang? i) What is a Disconformity?

j) What is Triaxial compressive strength?

Q2. Discuss features produced by Deposition of Glaciers.

Q3. Discuss salient features of a GRAVITY Dam.

Q4. Explain how do you recognize FAULTS in the field.

Q5. Write a short note on Seismogram.

Q6. Write a short note on Compressive Strength.

Q7. Classify JOINTS based on Geometry. Discuss engineering consideration of joints.

Q8. Discuss Depositional features produced by Rivers with precautions required for engineering projects in fluvial terrain.

Q9. Using PLATE Bearing Test describe in detail. How insitu deformity of rocks is measured?