Repairs & Rehabilitation of Structures 

Q.1  (a) Enlist different tests to be performed to carry out Non Destructive 07 Testing of structures and explain any one in detail

             (b) Define Durability of concrete. Explain factors affecting durability of 07 concrete 


       Q.2  (a) Explain various demolition techniques                                07

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  (b) State and explain causes and preventive measures of distress in 07 structures


                (b) Write a detailed note on Polymer Impregnated concrete     07


       Q.3  (a) Explain the method of Cathodic Protection of Steel bars    07

                 (b) Describe Gunite and Shotcrete as a method of repair         07


      Q.3  (a) Describe properties of repair materials and their importance                                                            07

             (b) Explain various positive and negative effect of temperature on concrete 07


       Q.4  (a) Explain carbonation of concrete in detail.                           07

                (b) Write a brief note on Ferrocement                                       07


       Q.4  (a) Write short note on expansive cement                                 07

Q.4  (b) Defining alkali aggregate reaction, explain causes and preventive 07 measures of alkali aggregate reaction


                Q.5  (a) Explain the long term health monitoring techniques for structures                                                07

                (b) Explain seismic retrofitting of concrete structures             07


       Q.5  (a) Discuss Sulphate attack on concrete                                    07

                (b) Write in brief about Foundation Rehabilitation Methods   07





Q. 1   Attempt Five of the following.                                                                  (10 Marks) 


  1. State any four objectives of building maintenance.
  2. Define the terms- retrofitting and restoration.
  3. State any four sources of damages in the buildings.
  4. Name the two materials available in market of each case for repairing the mortar and concrete surface protection.
  5. List any four causes of crack formation in wall
  6. Write any four techniques used to reduce the rate of damping in building
  7. State any four points due to which structural audit is necessary.


Q. 2   Attempt Three of the following.                                                                  (12 Marks)     


  1. State any four advantages and four limitations of maintenance and repairs.
  2. Explain in brief any four factors influencing periodical maintenance.
  3. Describe in brief any four importance of visual observations for damage
  4. Write step by step procedure of half-cell potentiometer test with neat sketch.



Q. 3 Attempt Three of the following.                                                                    (12 Marks) 


  1. Suggest one relevant test of each to be carried out for determination of strength and voids of structure. Also, explain procedural steps of any one of two.
  2. Write any two important characteristics of each of the following bonding aids.
    1. Epoxy resins ii) Poly resins iii) Polyvinyl acetate iv) Vinyl acetate co polymer.



  1. Suggest any two materials necessary to repair the followings.
    1. Dampness of RCC roof slab. ii) Dampness in the exterior brick wall iii) repair of 0.4 mm wide crack for total depth of a RCC slab iv) Concrete surface protection.
  2. Suggest an appropriate use of the following materials for repair
    1. Plastic nipple ii) Zinc rich epoxy iii) Polyester putty iv) Sealant v) Low viscosity polyester resin vi) Epoxy resin mortar vii) Rebar primer viii) Oleo resinous mastics.


Q. 4 Attempt Three of the following.                                                  (12 Marks)  


  1. Describe the step by step procedure of ultrasonic pulse velocity test to be performed on the surface of RC elements.
  2. Explain in brief four stages of repair work in general.
  3. Illustrate the steps involved while performing structural audit.
  4. Explain any four factors influencing the selection of material for repairs.
  5. Enlist eight locations of occurring probable cracks in the building.


Q. 5 Attempt Two of the following.                                                      (12 Marks)


  1. In renovation of a residential building, a RCC slab is to be casted to cover an opening surrounded by beams. Apply the step by step procedure of joining the new slab with surrounding beams.
  2. Write the step by step procedure for the following repair methods
  3. i) Gunitting ii) Jacketing.
  4. Explain in short the four stages to be carried out while repairing the process of corroded RCC elements.


Q. 6 Attempt Two of the following.                                                                                                    (12 Marks)         


  1. A brick wall has developed diagonal and other vertical crack then illustrate the suitable repair method using mild steel U- shaped dowel bars along with sketch.  
  2. Prepare the format involve any eight information data of building for structural audit.
  3. Prepare the format include eight items with respect to structural audit for complain reported by user of a building.