1  a) Explain the structural and functional requirements of rigid pavements                                                                                                                   10 marks

  1. b) Explain the locked wheel mode method of measuring skid resistance              10 marks

    c)What is PSI? How it is related to distress index                                                            5 marks


2 a) List and discuss various factors affecting skid resistance                                             10 marks

  1. b) What is meant by a) ravelling b) alligator cracking and c) mud pumping                   10 marks

   c)What is rutting and how it can be measured in the field                                                  5 marks


3 a) Explain the different methods of pavement surface condition evaluation  by physical           

       Measurements                                                                                                                 15 marks

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  1. b) Briefly give the design procedure for rigid overlay overlay over flexible pavement 10 marks


4 a) What are the factors affecting the structural condition of the pavement                       10 marks

  1. b) Explain the effect of moisture, temperature and environment on the structural

       stability of pavements                                                                                                    15 marks                                                                                                




5  a)Explain tha factors affecting the structural  performance of flexible pavements           10 marks

  1. b) What is roughness? Explain the principle used in CHLOE profilometer for measuring

         pavement profile roughness                                                                                           15 marks

                                                      Or                                                                                                                                       6 a) Explain how the results of FWD are used for pavement evaluation? Explain the advantage of

        FWD method                                                                                                                 10 marks

  1. b) Explain the procedure for taking measurements using Benkelman beam                     10 marks                                                                                                                                                   
  2. c) What are the corrections done for Benkelman beam deflection values                         5  marks   


7 a)  Explain the importance of pavement management system. What are its objectives?    10 marks    

  1. b) Differentiate between project level and network level management                            5 marks                                  
  2. c) Explain with the help of a flow chart how pavement management system

        can be made use for rigid pavement design?                                                                 10 marks      


8 a) Explain the relationships and activities of key components in pavement management process

                                                                                                                                                                                15 marks

  1. b) Explain with the help of a flow chart how pavement management system

        can be made use for flexible pavement design?                                                                                            10 marks