1 a) Explain the structural and functional requirements of rigid pavements 10 marks
c)What is PSI? How it is related to distress index 5 marks
2 a) List and discuss various factors affecting skid resistance 10 marks
c)What is rutting and how it can be measured in the field 5 marks
3 a) Explain the different methods of pavement surface condition evaluation by physical
Measurements 15 marks
4 a) What are the factors affecting the structural condition of the pavement 10 marks
stability of pavements 15 marks
5 a)Explain tha factors affecting the structural performance of flexible pavements 10 marks
pavement profile roughness 15 marks
Or 6 a) Explain how the results of FWD are used for pavement evaluation? Explain the advantage of
FWD method 10 marks
7 a) Explain the importance of pavement management system. What are its objectives? 10 marks
can be made use for rigid pavement design? 10 marks
8 a) Explain the relationships and activities of key components in pavement management process
15 marks
can be made use for flexible pavement design? 10 marks