Operating System


1. (a) What is operating system? Explain its feature.

(b) Differentiate between multiprogramming and multiprocessing operating system.

(c) Write notes on:

(i) Batch processing (ii) Spooling.


2. (a) What is process? Explain the process control block..

(b) What is queuing diagram? Explain with example.


Write notes on:

(i) Context switching

(ii) Dispatcher.

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3. (a) Differentiate between contiguous and non

contiguous memory location. (b) Explain the FIFO page replacement


(c) Write notes on:

(i) Demand paging (ii) Page segmentation.


4. (a) What is unix operating system? Explain

its feature and benefits.

(b) What is kernel? Explain its function. (c) Explain the following unix command with


(i) Chmod

(ii) Grep

(iii) Pwd

(iv) Awk.


5. (a) What is system variable? Explain any four

system variable with example.

(b) Write a shell script to calculate the factorial

of any number. Write a shell script to find the greatest

number among any three numbers.


1. (a) Discuss the history and evolution of

operating system.

(b) Describe the multiprogramming operating system.

2. (a) Draw the process state transition diagram

and explain it. (b) Explain the types of schedulers context

switching and dispatcher. 3. (a) Discuss the preliminaries of memory

management. (b) Explain the paging.

4. (a) Write feature and benefits of Unix.

(b) Explain the following Unix commands with

syntax and example:

(i) who, (ii) rm. (ii) Is, (iv) chmod, (v) grep.

5. (a) Discuss the feature of shell.

(b) Write the shell program for print the file name and total numbers of file available in current path.