IV B.Tech II
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
- Explain the following terms:
- i) Altitude Angle ii) Incident Angle iii) Zenith Angle iv) Solar Azimuth Angle v) Hour Angle [15]
- a) Explain the principle of conversion of solar energy in to heat. [8] b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of concentrating collectors over a flat - plate collectors? [7]
- a) Explain with a neat sketch the working of a wind energy systems(WECS) with main components [8] b) What are the advantages of vertical axis machines over horizontal type? Describe a rotor for relatively low velocity speed [7]
- a) Explain Maximum Power point tracking procedure for a Wind System [8] b) Explain the importance of Buck-Boost converter in PV System [7]
- a) What is meant by wet fermentation and dry fermentation? [8] b) What are the factors which affect the size of the Bio Gas Plants? [7]
- a) Define a Geothermal Source. [5] b) Explain the principle of total flow concept. Compare it with other system [10]
- Explain with neat sketches the various methods of Tidal power generation [15] .What are the limitations of each method
- Write Short notes on the Following:
- Materials used or Biogas generation
- Fuel cells
- Solar radiation data [15]
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(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
- a) Explain about the Beam and Diffuse radiation [5] b) Calculate the angle made by the beam radiation with the normal to a flat-plate collector, pointing due south located in New Delhi (280 38’N,770 17’ E) at 9 : 00 hour, solar time on December 1. The collector is tilted at angle of 460 with the horizontal. [10]
- What are the main components of a flat – plate solar collector, explain the [15] function of each
- a) Explain the basic principle of wind energy conversion? [7] b) Explain horizontal axis type aerogenerators. [8]
- Explain the outcome and different considerations that need to be taken care
while connecting PV cells in Series and Parallel [15]
- a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of floating Drum Plant [8] b) What is a community biogas plant? What are the main problems encountered in its operation [7]
- a) What are the limitations of a flashed steam system? [8] b) What are the advantages of double flash system? [7]
- Explain the closed cycle OTEC System, with its advantages over open cycle system [15]
- Write Short notes on the Following:
- Main Applications of Biogas
- Limitation of Wave energy conversion
- Solar cooling Technique [15]
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(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
- a) Define Solar Constant and explain the factors on which it depends. [8] b) Calculate the Sunset hour angle and day length at a location latitude of 380,on [7] Feb 18
- a) How solar air collectors are classified? What are the main applications of a [8] Drier?
- Explain the different methods of Sun tracking, and why orientation is needed [7] in concentrating type collectors?
- Derive the expression for power developed due to wind [15]
- Explain Maximum Power point tracking procedure for a photovoltaic System [15]
- a) How biomass conversion takes place [7] b) How are Gasifiers classified? What is Pyrolysis? [8]
- a) Explain Binary cycle system for liquid dominated system [8] b) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Geothermal energy forms? [7]
- a) What are the advantages and limitations of small scale hydro-electric power [8] generation
- What are the main types of OTEC power plants? Explain their working in [7] Brief?
- Write Short notes on the Following: [15]
- Applications of Gasifiers
- Direct Energy Conversion
- Mini-Hydel Power plants w.r.t. OTEC
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(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
Time : 3 hours Max. Marks: 75
Answer any Five Questions
All Questions carry equal marks
- a) What are the reasons for variation in solar radiation reaching the earth than received at the outside of the atmosphere? [8] b) What is the difference between a pyrheliometer and a pyranometer? [7]
- Enumerate the different types of concentrating type collectors. Explain the collector used in power plant for generation of Electric energy [15]
- a) What are the main considerations in selecting a site for wind generators [8] b) How are wind energy systems (WECS) classified? Discuss in brief [7]
- a) Explain on what factors will the quality of a PV Cell depend? [8] b) Explain the different Algorithms used in MPPT for a Photo Voltaic System [7]
- What is meant by anaerobic digestion? Explain the factors which effect
Biodigestion [15]
- a) Classify Geothermal Sources [7] b) Explain the main types of turbines, which may be used for Geothermal energy conversion [8]
- a) What is the basic principle of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC)? [8] b) Explain the Dolphin type wave power machine [7]
- Write Short notes on the Following:
- Betz Criteria
- Selection of fuels
- Combustion characteristics of Biogas. [15]
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