Material Characterization
- a) Write the classification of material characterization techniques. [4] b) Explain about dilatometry in brief. [4]
- Write about the applications of optical spectroscopy.[3]
- Write about advantages of image analysis. [4]
- Explain about unit cell.[3]
- Write about the importance of magnification control. [4]
- Explain about microscopic techniques in detail. [16]
- Explain about Differential Scanning calorimetry (DSC) in detail. [16]
- Explain in detail about X-ray spectrometry. [16]
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- Write about Optical metallography in detail. [16]
- a) What are the main crystal structures? Explain with neat diagram. [8] b) Explain about single crystal diffraction. [8]
- a) Write the properties of an ideal image. [4]
- b) Explain about operating conditions of SEM and preparation of SEM specimen. [12]