Max. Marks: 100
Duration: 3 Hours
Answer any three full questions, each carries 10 marks.
a) Can we use CFD as research tool? Justify your answer with example.
b) Derive the differential Governing equation for fluid motion according to
Newton’s second law in conservation form.
a) Discuss on source panel method, list its merits and de-merits.
b) Derive an expression for shape function 3 noded bar element
a) Show that the second order wave equation is hyperbolic.
b) Classify the following system of PDE’s according to eigen value method
where, u and v are the two dependent variables
c) Write a short note on well-posed problems.
a) Consider a viscous flow of air over a flat plate. At a given station in the flow
direction the variation of the flow direction u in the direction perpendicular to
the plate is given by an expression u=1582 (1-e ) where L is the characteristic
length 1m. The viscosity coefficient of air is (1.775 x 107 N/m-s). Assume u at
discrete grid points equally spaced in the y direction with Δy=0.1m. Calculate the
wall shear stress first, second and third order accuracy.
Answer any three full questions, each carries 10 marks.
a) Consider 1-D wave equation Ut + a Ux = 0. Discretize the equation and hence
deduce dissipative term and dispersive term.
a) What are the differences between explicit and implicit methods? (5) b) Distinguish
between truncation error , round-off error and discretization error. (5) 7 a) Derive an
expression for truncation error in the Implicit scheme for 1-D (7)
conduction equation
if α=1.
b) What is the significant of ‘Courant number’ and CFL condition in stability