Dr. Babasaheb Ambedklllr Technological University, Lonere - 402103
End Scm,ester Examination
Class: B. Tech (Computerl IT/E&TC/Electrical)
Subject: Basic Computer Programming
Semester: I
Subject Code: CPIOS
05 MAY 2017
Maximum Marks: 60
Time: 3 lIours
I. All questions are compulsory ,111,1 each question carry 10 marks each.
. Figures to right indicate fullm",ks.
. Illustrate your answers with ne:",sketches, diagrams de. whenever necessary.
. :'Ieeessary data is Rivenin respective question. If such data is not given, it means that
knowledge of that data is part of examination.
QI: A. Elilist some application areas which uses the programming paradigm in practical lield.
Explain any two of them.
B. Explain program, argorithm and data structure with suitable examples. Differentiate
between algorithm and Oowcha"(,
Q2: A. \Vhat is Arithmetic instruction'! Explain all three modes ofC arithmetic statement.
B. A character is entered by user through keyboard. write a program to calculate and print
th" ASCII value oftha! entered character.
C. Attempt any ONE from following.
a) What is type casting? Explain it with suitable example.
b) Differentiate between:
i. Preincrementation and Postill<:lementation operator ill C.
ii. = and = operator in C.
Q3: A. i. Write a note on conditional operator in C.
ii. If a user enters a number through keyboard, write a program to lind and print reverse
of number and eheck whether number is palindrome number.
B. Write output of following program.
i) main()
int i,j :
fur ( i = 1 ; i <= 2 ; i+-t- )
for (j = 1 ;j <= 2 ;j++ )
printf( "\n%d\t%d\n", i,j);